[Archive] TeraToday Guides

TeraToday Guide Archive

Back in 2013 and 2014, I wrote three guides for the MMORPG TERA that were hosted on TeraToday. They covered the Sirjuka Gallery instance, Manaya's Core instance, and tanking with the warrior class. The first two were fairly popular, while the warrior tanking guide was not well received due to its open-endedness. For a period of time before the Wonderholme update, I was told by one of the administrators that half of the traffic to TeraToday was due to the Manaya's Corse guide, something I was happy to hear. Eventually I stopped playing, around the time the Reaper class was introduced, and later I heard from a friend that Manaya's Core Hard Mode was removed.

Recently I found my own copies of the guides on an old computer as I was cleaning house. With TeraToday gone and TERA's 6th anniversary coming up, I figured I'd put these up for nostalgia and old-time's sake. Apart from some light CSS modifications to get the guides displaying correctly, I won't be updating them to the current content (if these dungeons even exist anymore). They're all giant walls of text to boot, so I added some "Back to Top" links to make navigation a bit less tiresome. Some of the information contained in these guides may no longer be accurate or reflect the game as it is today. Just think of it as a glimpse into the past.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading.

- lostguru

TERA Sirjuka Gallery Dungeon Guide by lostguru

"An in-depth guide to preparing for and completing the Sirjuka Gallery to obtain Master Glyphs. It covers class roles and platform instructions, and includes tips for achieving a more consistent, higher score."
(first posted 2013-05-27)

TERA Manaya's Core Dungeon Guide by lostguru

"An in-depth guide to preparing for and completing the level 60 dungeon Manaya's Core. Covers all boss mechanics and strategies for both normal and hard mode, and gives tips for each class and party role."
(first posted 2013-06-13)

TERA Warrior Advanced Tanking Guide by lostguru

"This advanced Warrior tanking guide assumes basic knowledge of tanking and is appropriate for current warrior tanks who want to improve their game or seasoned Lancers who want to give Warrior tanking a shot. The guide covers glyph builds, rotations, equipment and much more."
(first posted 2014-05-22)

Character List: (Ascension Valley)

Name Class Race Gender
Margatroid.Alice Mystic Human Female
Konpaku.Youki Warrior Human Male
Hong.Meiling Lancer High Elf Female
Hinanawi.Tenshi Slayer Elin Female
Kazami.Yuuka Berserker Human Female
Hiziri.Byakuren Priest High Elf Female
Tasukete.Eirin Archer High Elf Female
General.Nazrin Reaper Elin Female
Komeiji.Satori Sorcerer Elin Female